BXW Affilates
How to earn more by taking advantage of Referral Links
Dimo: the future of owning your car information in exchange for rewards

Confident you could take home Salary in the futures market and work for yourself?Don't have $25-$300k to get started with. futures account? Apex Trader Funding will put their money up for you, as long as you pass the "Demo." Which is earn the amount the as without falling into below the stop loss. You can get as many accounts as you want, and if you dont win the first month, you.ve got anther shot during month two.So Enter Coupon Code PMANUGJQ for 71-90% off all packages for a limited time. If the banner does not work, please use this link https://apextraderfunding.com/member/aff/go/bodiesxwix?c=PMANUGJQ When checking out, please ensure the referral code of PMANUGJQ is input. without the code, no discount!

Work in Progress
As I flesh out this part of the website, there are two links that contain most oof the iniformation I will be providing in this page. Beware that some offers are no olonger valid as well as some of these products I noo longer use (Such as Stash or Chime) But you should still receive the reward from my understandinig if you use the link. Find another link if you aren't sure if Mine will work.
Referral Site 1
Read the Terms - Follow the Instructions for each Affiliate category
Each App and/or affiliate link for a servicehas their own Terms on how to receive the bonus or incentive they are offering. Please be sure to follow the instructions after clicking the link to take full advantage of the affiliate link. Some offers listed have changed as the companies can change their offers at will. Once you've taken advantage of the opportunity, you can then be an affiliate yourself.
Crypto Apps
Coinbase - Offer - Typically Coinbase offers $10 in Bitcoin (BTC) to new members who spend $100 or more one their first Coinbase Transaction. Click the Coinbase Link and fill out the registration form to take advantage ofo the referral. Additionally, If you sign up for Coinbase One, use the same referral code (edward_j9) and you'll get your first month free and receive $10 off your next monthly payment. See Coinbase Helpdesk for more information.
Most Crypto Apps used to have a form of a referral attached to it. Those days are slimming down.

Here's the terms for uphold. Click the picture below to take you to your referral for Uphold. Just Follow the Rules!

Go Above or Stay Below Liquidity at 7:00 p.m. Sunday Night
Free Bitcoin - Enough said. Earn Free bitcoin everyday. https://freebitcoin.io/?ref=885841
Get 15% off whe you purchase a cold wallet through Ellipal. Just got one myself and its worth it! Click Here > https://bit.ly/BXWEllipal
Stock Market / Financial Services
Moomooo - Deposit $100 and get 5 free Stocks, Deposit $1000 and get 15 free stocks. New clients to Moomoo will receive a 5.1% annual interest rate on your uninvested cash, and they will give $10 coupons on top of that. Withdrawable to your bank account after a specified amount of time. (60 Days I believe). Has Desktop app, Mobile app, state of the art charts, paper trading for stocks futures and options.
WeBull - 20 fractional shares of randomly selected stock valued at $3-$3,000 each. 5% annual interest rat for unused funds. and a lot of the same featurews above as Moomoo. (Personally I just started with Moomoo so 'm tryiing to cm[are as to which is better and will get back tu here with my tnoughts)
Domain Money - What was an app that had multiple tragies to invest in that had a mixture of crypto and equities has rapidly turned into a financial planning service. Check out the website to see if it's right for you. They do everything from real estate planning, tax planning, College funds planning, retirement planning, insurance planning etc. Use the link provided to get a discount off your initial service and deposit a minimum of $300 your first time. domainmoney.com/referral/redeem?referral_code=7TBUDD
Choice by Kingdom Trust - Just as the picture says. These are IRA Accounts that you can start that have a mixture of Crypto, stocks, and ETF's. I personally rolled over a very low 401K into one of their Roth IRA's and I'm glad I did. Especially with getting amounts of free bitcoin a day (Sometimes 3 cents, sometimes $5) it all adds up. There's no advisors to walk you through this one. If there is, I didn't choose it because I have multiple retirement accounts with multiple strategeies. Worth having for the free Bitcoin Everyday though. Even if you don't contribute to your Roth IRA, it's still free bitcoin everyday until you retire.
Two types of bonus for opening a Choice account.
Plays & Claims Blinko rewards into a Choice retirement account via your personal signup code or link (a.k.a – your key) -or- simply opens an account without playing Blinko.
Makes a deposit in app to the newly opened account, and completes his or her first deposit greater than or equal to $500 (via the deposit screen in app).
Learn more here https://www.choiceapp.io/referral-terms

Receipt Apps
Almost everyone uses Fetch to turn your receipt.s into money. There are many others similar to fetch that you probably didn't know about. Infact, these receipts have pais for my christmas twice now
Fetch - fetchrewards.onelink.me/vvv3/referraltext?code=ADJD2D 2,000 points just for signing up. it's like 7,500 for a $5 gift card
ReceiptHog- https://invitation.codes/@BodiesXWix/receipt-hog - You get spins to rack up more points the more recipts, it says 5 free spins, which is usually a gd 30-50 points.
ReceiptJar - https://invitation.codes/@BodiesXWix/receiptjar 20-0 bonus points
Pogo - pogocash.app.link/V798L3 250 points. you get points just for driving by a walgreens on this one.
Coinout - coinout.com/referrals/new?r=TVQH79Z - evidently the removed referrals
Receipt Pal - i guess no referra for that one, so your welcome

20% 0ff Website Designs, Domains, Products,
Hostinger Referral - https://hostinger.com?REFERRALCODE=1TYLER440
Bodies X Wix
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Federal Funds Rate As of August 2023